
Our proudest achievements

Greener Green E-learning course

The Greener Green project has successfully developed a highly valuable e-learning platform aimed at training primary school teachers. This platform, a collaborative effort involving all project partners, comprises the following sections:

  • Digital skills for the “Greener Green” school and principles of Project Management
  • Saving resources and environmental conservation
  • My environment, my land
  • My country, my planet
  • My school leads the change
  • Healthy lifestyle for a greener planet
  • A European green dimension

Ultimately, these contents address the imperative of providing students with quality materials that educate young learners on the small actions they can take to contribute to a better planet. As teachers engage with the platform’s content, they will acquire valuable insights. They will learn how to:

  • To implement changes for a greener school.
  • To adapt everyday environmentally conscious practices.
  • To inspire and share these practices with their students in the classroom.
  • To use the digital Assessment tool to evaluate how green are their everyday practices, and to implement changes if necessary.

Would you like to discover the platform and engage in learning?

Greener Green Evaluation and assessment tool

The assessment tool developed by Greener Green enables users to gauge the sustainability practices implemented by their schools.

Through a series of multiple-choice questions, educators receive a score.

Moreover, based on their responses, the tool suggests relevant modules from the e-learning course. This personalized approach empowers teachers to address their specific training needs effectively.

Would you like to give it a try?

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ grant KA220-SCH-4FF8CAF1 . This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.