The Greener Green project has successfully developed a highly valuable e-learning platform aimed at training primary school teachers. This platform, a collaborative effort involving all project partners, comprises the following sections:
- Digital skills for the “Greener Green” school and principles of Project Management
- Saving resources and environmental conservation
- My environment, my land
- My country, my planet
- My school leads the change
- Healthy lifestyle for a greener planet
- A European green dimension
Ultimately, these contents address the imperative of providing students with quality materials that educate young learners on the small actions they can take to contribute to a better planet. As teachers engage with the platform’s content, they will acquire valuable insights. They will learn how to:
- To implement changes for a greener school.
- To adapt everyday environmentally conscious practices.
- To inspire and share these practices with their students in the classroom.
- To use the digital Assessment tool to evaluate how green are their everyday practices, and to implement changes if necessary.
Would you like to discover the platform and engage in learning?